Creating a login page for SliceWP that allows you to implement your own affiliate program
SliceWP affiliate registration form that allows you to implement your own affiliate program
SliceWP referral link settings that allow you to implement your own affiliate program
Cookie settings for SliceWP to add affiliate referral rewards functionality to WordPress
SliceWP commission settings allow you to implement your own affiliate program
How to install Slice WP and set up the wizard to implement your own affiliate program
Matching site creation using WordPress [HivePress] Setting minimum prices for marketplace listings
Creating a matching site using WordPress [HivePress] Adding first and last name fields to the user registration form
Creating a matching site using WordPress [HivePress] Removing the first and last name fields from the user profile input fields
Matching site creation using WordPress [HivePress] Adding custom checkboxes to the user registration form
Matching site creation using WordPress [HivePress] Hiding the budget field from the request form
How to create a matching homepage using WordPress [HivePress] Make the offer price field optional
WP Rocket - WordPress Caching Plugin