How to get started with WordPress
Are you still using a CTA plugin?
[Thinking about WordPress security] Actual case of tampering ①
翻訳テキスト修正Loco Translateプラグイン使い方
Introducing Loco Translate, a translation plugin that can be used when you want to correct the translations of plugins and themes made overseas!
Google official WordPress plugin Site Kite by Google for access analysis with Google Analytics and Search Console
Internal links in the menu bar are not displayed in TCD's LOTUS
Summary of SEO for attracting customers from your website in 2020
Hub Spot CRM Eメールマーケティングに無料登録する
We'll introduce you to the features of Hub Spot that we actually use for web marketing sales!
Hub Spotで右下から出てくるポップアップCTA実装
I implemented a pop up window (CTA) that appears from the bottom right! It's very easy!
I have actually updated LOTUS, a paid WordPress theme from TCD!
Free BASE set up over a week! Final day
Setting up a free BASE site over the course of a week! Day 2
Snipping Tool 画面キャプチャー
About the screen capture function of Windows 10
WP Rocket - WordPress Caching Plugin