LMS plugin LearnDash basic settings - payment settings

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We explain LearnDash, a paid LMS (Learning management system) plugin that allows you to build an e-learning system using WordPress.

This time, we will explain the payment settings, which are the basic settings you will want to make first.

Payment Preferences

  1. LearnDash LMS
  2. setting
  3. Payments

and configure it.

PayPal is set as the default. Stripe credit card payment is also available as a free add-on.

Static Page → Create New

  • The page you will be redirected to after payment is completed
  • The page you will be redirected to after canceling your payment

Please create two pages.

PayPal Settings

  • Activate - Please turn it ON
  • PayPal Email - the email address of the PayPal account that will receive payments
  • PayPal Currency – JPY
  • PayPal Country - JP
  • PayPal Cancel URL - Set the URL of the page where the user will be redirected after canceling (this is a static page that you create yourself)
  • Return to PayPal - Set the URL of the page to which the user will be redirected after completing the payment (this is a static page that you can create yourself)
  • PayPal Notification URL - leave the default value
  • Use PayPal Sandbox - Sandbox is a test mode

Stripe credit card payment settings

By adding a free addon, you can implement credit card payments via Stripe.

You must first create a Stripe account.

Stripe ADD-ONS installation

  1. LearnDash LMS
  2. add on
  3. Click Install Now for [Stripe for LearnDash]


Stripe has been added to Payments.

Log in to Stripe

Endpoint Settings

Return to your WordPress dashboard.

  1. LearnDash LMS
  2. setting
  3. Payments
  4. Stripe

Open the settings and copy the URL in the Webhook URL field.

Next, log in to Stripe and set it up.

  1. Developer
  2. Webhook
  3. Adding an endpoint


Paste in the end pound URL.

  • Version - The latest API version
  • Event added -customer.subscription.deleted / invoice.payment_failed / invoice.paid / checkout.session.completed Add four events.

to hold.

Finally, click on Add Event.

Next, set the end pool secret key.

On the page you are directed to after adding an event, click [Show Signature Secret] to display the end pond secret.

Paste the secret key displayed into your Stripe settings in LearnDash.

Next, set the secret key and public key.

You will then be taken to the Stripe admin page.

  1. Developer
  2. API Key


Click on [Create Secret Key].

Give it a name. I gave it a name that makes it clear that this is for a no-code course.

A secret key will be issued.

Please note that once you click the Finish button, you will no longer be able to view your secret key.
If you forget your secret key, please start over by issuing it again.

The public key is available in the attachment.

The secret and public keys will be entered into the Stripe settings in WordPress.

  • Live Publishable Key - Public Key
  • Live Secret Key

Other Stripe settings

  • Active - Turn it ON to enable it
  • Test Mode - Turn it ON if you want to test payments in test mode
  • Integration Type - Choose from Legacy Checkout / Checkout (Support SCA)
  • Live Publishable Key - Enter the public key issued by Stripe
  • Live Secret Key - Enter the secret key issued by Stripe
  • Endpoint Secret - Enter the endpoint secret key issued by Stripe
  • Currency – JPY
  • Payment Method - Ideal is not common in Japan, so I think Credit Card is fine.
  • Return URL - You can specify the page to which the customer will be redirected after completing the payment.


When building a site that requires payment using WordPress, it is common to set up PayPal and Stripe.
StripeAnyone can make credit card payments without registering as a memberThis is especially recommended!

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