Opening an online school with WordPress Part 3: Creating lessons

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We are launching an online school that will teach you how to create WordPress without coding.

The plugin we will use is Lifter LMS, an e-learning system called Learn Management System (LMS).

In Part 1 of Opening an Online School with WordPress, I wrote a memo about installing plugins, installing the theme, and setting up the initial settings.

In part 2, we created an outline of the course and set up items related to the page that serves as the basis for application, such as the pricing plan.

This time, it is the ③
I will now set out the content of each lesson that I have outlined in the course outline!

Lesson List

I created a course called "Building a WordPress Site Without Code" by going to [Courses] > [Courses], and each lesson included in that course is called a Lesson.

Lessons are included in [Courses] > [Lesson]. Sections and Lessons created in the Courses Builder are automatically added.

The Builder for the Course we created last time is below.

This is reflected in the lessons.

Edit Lesson

Just like editing a normal static page or post, when you hover your mouse over the title, the editing options will appear, so click the Edit button.

This time, we will edit the part marked in red, “Set static page to TOP.”

Basic Lesson Template


  • Mark Complete - Items that students mark as completed
  • Previous/Next - Previous lesson, next lesson

will be generated. You can write the content of the lesson in text anywhere you like.

Only the two types of parts mentioned above can be used in the lesson.

Create lesson content

Write the content of the lesson just like you would write a regular blog post.

You can also embed videos such as YouTube videos.

Lesson Setting

There is a Lesson Setting at the bottom of the builder.

Embed a video

You can also embed videos in the block editor, and there is a field for entering videos.

If you enter a video URL here, the video will be displayed directly below the title.

Free Lessons

To make a lesson available for free, turn on the Free Lesson switch.

The first few lessons can be made free and open to anyone, and then you can use them to guide users to sign up for a paid subscription.

Controlling the order in which lessons are taken

In the Prerequisites tab, you can decide the order in which you take your lessons, so that you can take the currently selected lesson only after you have finished the previous lesson.

When you turn the switch ON, you can select lessons, and you can decide the order of lessons by selecting the lesson before the prerequisite.

Control the time when lessons are published

In Drip settings, you can set the time when you can take lessons.

  1. On a specific date - Available from the specified date and time
  2. After course enrollment - You can enroll after the course starts.
  3. After prerequisites complete - Available for enrollment x days after the specified lesson ends

1.If you select On a specific date, a date and time selection box will appear, allowing you to set the publication date and time.

2.If you select After course enrollment, you can set how many days after starting the course that the lesson you are editing will be available for enrollment.

3. If you select After prerequisites complete, you can set the course to be available a certain number of days after the prerequisites lesson is completed.

You cannot proceed to the next lesson unless you pass the quiz (task).

If you turn on the Quiz setting, you can set the lesson to not be completed unless the student passes the quiz you set up in the Course Builder.

The above is an explanation of what can be done when editing a lesson.

If you have experience writing a WordPress blog, you will be able to create a lesson page very easily.

Quiz Settings

Since we had access to the Quiz settings in the previous section, we will now set up the Quiz.

Quiz settings are not done by editing the Lesson, but rather from the Builder under [Courses] > [Courses].

Click the [Add a quiz] icon.

Create a new quiz

Click Create New Quiz to create a new quiz.

Quiz Overview

  • Description – Quiz description
  • Passing percentage
  • Limit Attempts
  • Time Limit
  • Show Correct Answers - Whether to display the correct answers at the end
  • Randomize Question Order

Add Quiz

Click Add Question to create a quiz.

The only free quiz items are dark blue, so select Multiple Choice.

At first, it was a little difficult to understand, but I was able to see the quiz I had added by folding the items displayed at the top at the ▲ in the attached image.

The questions and answers will change.

A small problem occurred.

I couldn't type the question in Japanese, so I wrote the text in a notepad and then copied and pasted it in. I was able to type the answer in Japanese.

Select the correct answer in green.

The Result Clarifications were set as follows:

If you want to add more questions, click [Add Question].


This time, I set up the actual lesson content. You can add a lesson just like writing a blog.
There is also a quiz function to measure achievement, allowing students to progress through their studies while tracking their level of understanding for each important lesson.

Leave the reskilling of your website to us!

Since 2019, we have been sharing skills related to WordPress and websites. We have accumulated case studies and know-how, and are good at quickly and accurately solving problems. If you have any concerns about your website, please feel free to contact us via our official LINE account!

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