Build a matching site with WordPress! How to bulk import CSV files with PremiumPress' Microjob theme

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This article explains how to set up the Microjob theme from PREMIUMPRESS, which allows you to build a matching site using WordPress.

This time, I would like to try the convenient bulk CSV registration method.

Bulk register jobs and other themes. For example, you can use it when you want to upload a large amount of data to your PremiumPress site before opening the site, such as download themes or online store themes.

Download the csv import tool

First, the CSV import tool is not a standard feature, so you will need to download it from the PremiumPress site.

The plugin called [CSV Import Tool] is a free plugin that imports data via CSV.

Click [Download Now] to download the plugin file.

Installing the CSV import tool

Log in to your WordPress site and upload the downloaded zip file from [Appearance] > [Plugins] > [Add New].

Click [Install now] > [Activate].

A new [CSV Import] tool has been added to PREMIUMPRESS.

First, download the CSV template by exporting it.

First, let's export the data to see how we can create a CSV file.

I clicked on the downloaded csv file to open it in Excel. The Japanese characters were garbled...

[Data] > [From text or CSV] Select the file

Select the character code as [65001:Unicode(UTF-8)] and load it.

I was able to open the file without any garbled text. Important headings were colored to make them easier to understand (this may be due to my Excel settings).

Create CSV data

We will create data to import information into PremiumPress Microjob via CSV.

There was such an item.

  • ID: Enter the listing service ID.
  • post_author: Enter your author ID number
  • post_data: Register the posting date
  • post_content: Enter the detailed description of the service you wish to sell
  • post_title: Enter the title of the service you want to sell
  • post_excerpt: This is an excerpt from the description, but it was blank so I think it's fine to leave it blank.
  • post_type:listing_type
  • category: Enter the category of the service you want to sell
  • packageID: The ID of the package
  • Hits: Since it's the number of views, I think it's fine without it.
  • youtube_id: YouTube URL if you want to post a video
  • image: URL of the image
  • days: unknown
  • price:price
  • gig: price title
  • desc: description of the price
  • days-1: unknown
  • price-1: Premium price
  • gig-1: Premium priced title
  • desc-1: description of the premium title
  • customextras:Add-on area structured data
  • background-image: Enter background image number
  • starrating: Since it's a rating, I think 0 is fine
  • hits_array: This is the date and time of viewing, so I think it's fine to leave it blank.
  • pageviewed: I think it's fine to leave it blank
  • lastviewed: I think it's fine to leave it blank
  • online: I think it's fine to leave it blank
  • listing_expiry_date: I think it's fine to leave it blank
  • post_id: Use the same number as the first ID

I think it would be best to register one service with all the necessary information entered in Japanese, then export the CSV data and enter the information in the same way as the data you registered in Japanese.

Please note that if the created CSV file is not saved in UTF-8, Japanese characters will be garbled. In Excel, the save format is [CSV UTF-8].

I actually tried registering the CSV file.

Let's import the edited CSV data from [NEW INPORT] into the PremiumPress Microjob theme.

Give your csv import a name

You need to enter a name, so let's enter [import-202100619].

Select csv upload location

Select Uploaded file and upload the file you just downloaded and modified.

Check the data in preview

Since you are editing a downloaded file, there should be no problem. Check the preview and if it is displayed correctly, proceed to [SAVE & CONTINUE].

Mapping CSV data

Select [select] to link each piece of information to the CSV data.

Just link the information you need and leave the unnecessary information blank.

CSV data upload permission settings

  • Create: Add new data
  • Update: Updates existing files without overwriting them
  • Delete: Delete and rewrite existing data

Check the necessary items. Since we are going to perform initial setup and set data this time, we selected Create and Delete.

Timing of execution

It looks like it can be scheduled, but this time I'll run it using Run Now.

CSV Import Results

The newly added data has been added to the job!

It's now displayed on the site! Plus, some of the data has been deleted, so it's gone down.

This is a very useful feature when you want to register services in bulk. However, I thought the mapping might be a bit difficult.

I thought it would be better to create one piece of data first, get a grasp of the mapping flow, and make sure that it is displayed correctly on the site, then create a large amount of data!

This plugin is useful not only for the Microjob theme, but also for the initial setup of online shops, downloadable themes, and more!

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