Video explanation of payment settings for the paid version of the WordPress reservation system plugin Amelia!

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WordPress booking system pluginAmelia(Links to the Amelia official website) For the paid version, there is a video explaining how to set up payment.

Video explanation of payment settings for the paid version of the WordPress reservation system plugin Amelia!

How to set up payment (illustrated)

Now, we will explain how to set up payment for the paid version of the Amelia WordPress reservation system plugin!

  • On-site (no payment at time of booking)
  • WooCommerce (not explained this time)
  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • coupon

You can set the following.

If you set the price of a service or event to 0, the price field will not be displayed during booking.

[Amelia] > [Settings]


Click View payment settings.


Now let's begin the explanation!


Select Japanese Yen.


Price Symbol

  • Before
  • Space Before
  • behind
  • Space After

Prices are displayed in ¥ symbols, so please select the front or front space.
The space before is used when you want to put a space between the ¥ and the price, such as ¥5,000.


Price Separator

You can choose the format in which prices are displayed.

Because this is an overseas plug-in, it is very difficult to display the prices in Japanese. I recommend using spaces and commas.


Price Decimal Separator

In the case of Japanese yen, there is no concept of a decimal separator, so if you do not set it to 0, problems will occur when making payments with PayPal or Stripe.


Change symbols

You can also change it to a circle. In that case, change the position of the symbol later.

Default payment method

If you have multiple payment methods set up, you will be asked to choose the payment method that is selected as the default when making a reservation.


Cart function (Pro license or higher)

This function allows you to make multiple reservations with one reservation. Simply turn it ON to use it.


Once you enable the coupon, you can configure the coupon settings.

To set coupon details, go to [Amelia] > [Checkout] > [Coupons].


Allow payment via Payment Link

Normally, if you set up Stripe or PayPal, payment is made before the reservation is confirmed, but if you turn this setting on, a payment link will be generated via email or in the customer panel, allowing you to make the payment.

You can also set up redirects, so you can redirect to a specific page once payment is complete.

Here is the email placeholder we will use:

  • %payment_link_stripe% – automatically generated link for payments via Stripe
  • %payment_link_paypal% – automatically generated link for payment via PayPal
  • %payment_link_woocommerce% – automatically generated link for payments via WooCommerce

on site

You will not make any payment at the time of booking, and we will send you an alternative payment method via email afterwards for on-site payment.



You can make payments with PayPal. You must register a business account (free) for PayPal. There is no monthly fee, and you only pay the processing fee for payments.

Click here to open a PayPal business account


Setting up a test environment

If you enable [SandMox Mode], fields for entering a test client ID and test secret will appear.


[PayPal admin screen] Creating a test app

Click on [Create app] in the dashboard.


[PayPal Management Screen] App Name Registration

Enter a name of your choice in the App Name field and click [Create App].


[PayPal Management Screen] Client ID and secret key are issued

Enter the Client ID as the client ID, and click Hide under Secret to display the secret key. Enter it as the test secret.

This is a test setting. You can actually proceed to the payment screen and test the process of pressing the payment button.


Create a live app for the venue

Disable Sandbox mode. A field will appear where you can enter the Live Client ID and Live Secret for live payments.


[PayPal admin page] Switch to Live

On the same test page as above, click [live] instead of [Sandbox] and then click [Create App].


[PayPal admin screen] Creating a production app

Enter a name of your choice in the App Name field and click [Create App].


[PayPal Admin Screen] Confirm your production client ID and secret key

Enter the Client ID and Secret into the Secret key.


There was a problem with not being able to make payments with PayPal. The cause was incompatibility with BackWPup. The problem was resolved by changing the backup plugin to UpdraftPlus. If you are using BackWPup and an error occurs, try disabling the plugin and trying again!



You can use Stripe to make credit card payments.

Activate Stripe.

Open a Stripe account here

To use the API key with Stripe, you need to activate your account. For details,

is very helpful!


Setting a test key

Enable test mode.

  • Test Public Key
  • Test Secret Key

Check this on the Stripe admin page.


Enable test mode in the Stripe admin page

Enable [Show test data].


[Stripe admin screen] Check the API key

Click API Keys.


[Stripe admin screen] Check the key

  • Public key ⇒ Test public key
  • Secret key ⇒ Test secret key

Copy and paste these two.
To print the secret key, click [Show test key] and enter the password again.

Stripe [Developer] > [API Key]

Set production key

Check the production key so that you can make a payment in production. If you disable [Test Mode]

  • Live Public Key
  • Live Private Key

An input field will appear.


[Stripe admin screen] Switch to live

Disable while displaying test data.

Stripe [Developer] > [API Key]

[Stripe admin screen] Check the key

  • Public key ⇒ Line public key
  • Secret key ⇒ Live secret key

Check the information and enter it into the Amelia settings.

Stripe [Developer] > [API Key]


This completes the payment setup. You can also select which payment method to use for individual services or events.

There are almost no error reports on Stripe, and it seems that payments are now being made smoothly. If an error occurs, please double-check that the key you set is correct and that the amount is not set too low. The minimum payment amount allowed on Stripe is said to be 50 yen.

Added 2021.06 Metadata settings added

An option called [Set MetaData and Description] has been added to the payment settings section.

By setting the information here, the reservation information can be displayed on the Paypal or Stripe dashboard.

Amelia [Settings] > [Payment]

When a payment is made using Stripe, it will be added to your Stripe payments list, with the details you added listed.

Stripe [Payment] > [Customer information details page]

If you add a Description below that,

Amelia [Settings] > [Payment]

You can change the payment description. In my case

Customer name: Email address

has been added to the description section.

Stripe [Payment]

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