Supports Japanese! A wordpress plugin that makes it easy to build a reservation system [amelia]

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Supports Japanese! A WordPress plugin that allows you to easily and intuitively build a reservation system.Amelia"We will explain the functions and settings in an easy-to-understand manner, even for beginners!

At hanami-web,Research on booking plugins with over 5,000 installedWe are currently working on the following.
"Amelia" also has a paid plan,freeYou can use many functions with
Today I would like to introduce how to use the free plan!

Advantages of the free WordPress booking system plugin "Amelia"

Above all,Localizing into JapaneseIt's easy to use because it's designed to be easy to use! Another plus point is that the design when making a reservation and the flow from reservation completion are stylish and smooth!
Even with the free plan, you can easily complete your reservationRecommended booking pluginsis.

What payment method do you care about?

The free plan does not support any payment methods.

This can be handled by sending a confirmation email with instructions to "please transfer the payment to this account."
If you want to make a prepayment, it is a good idea to include information about Stripe, which allows payments via PayPal or credit card, in the reservation completion email.

If you have a paid plan
You will be able to select!

Anyway, here's a video showing the process of actually making a reservation!

The free WordPress reservation system plugin "Amelia"

● "Event" type, where customers make reservations from a list of events you have set up
- "Booking" type where customers can choose a time from the calendar to make a reservation
There are two ways to make a reservation.

"Event" type (movie) where customers make reservations from a list of events

  1. Select the event you want
  2. Enter your name, email address, and phone number
  3. Once the reservation is complete, an automatic reply email and a reservation notification email will be sent to the administrator.

"Booking" type (movie) where customers can select a time from the calendar and make a reservation

  1. Select the service you want
  2. Select the date and time
  3. Enter your name, email address, and phone number
  4. Once the reservation is complete, an automatic reply email and a reservation notification email will be sent to the administrator.

Customers can choose a time within the set business hours. Perfect for booking appointments at salons and beauty parlors!

What industries are best suited for free WordPress booking system plugins?

The free WordPress booking system plugin "Amelia" has an event type that allows you to make reservations for events you have set up.Consultant reservations, interview reservations, and consultation reservations for professionalsIt can be used in many industries.
In addition, there is a "booking" type where you can set business hours and customers can make reservations at any time within those hours.Salons and beauty salonsI think this is a great reservation system plugin for things like this!
However, it is not suitable for making reservations at restaurants or accommodations with a large number of seats.

How to set up the free WordPress booking system plugin "Amelia"

From here, we will use screen captures to explain how to set up Amelia, which is free to use.

How to install

Go to Plugins > Add New > Search for Amelia. Click Install.


Then click Enable.


Once enabled, an item called [Amelia] will be added to the left sidebar of the dashboard.



First, we will explain "Amelia" > "Settings" in the newly added dashboard.


Settings - Basic Settings


With the paid plan, booking type customers can select dates and set the reservation interval when making a reservation.

By setting the reservation slot for the 60-minute plan to 75 or 90 minutes, you can leave some time between reservations even with the free plan.

① Default event status
The default setting when you make a reservation
·Approval pending
・Approved (Reservation confirmed at the same time)
You can choose.

② Use service periods for booking time slots

③Reservation period
You can decide how far in advance you want your reservation to be available.
If you set it to 365, reservations can be made up to one year in advance.

④ Default phone country code

⑤ Set phone number as a required field
You can choose

⑥Set email as a mandatory field
Set email as a required field
We can't contact you unless you enter your email address, so this should be ON.

⑦Show booking slots in client time zone
This is OFF

⑧Default items displayed per page:
This is the setting for the service type.

⑨Backend default page:
You can choose

⑩Redirect URL after confirming reservation:
If there is a page you would like to display when the reservation is made, enter the URL.

Finally, click Save.


Enter basic information about your company.


② Name
Enter your company name

You can link it to Google Maps
If you don't want to display your address, you can leave it blank.

Enter the URL address

⑤Telephone number
Select the Japanese flag and enter your phone number.
If you do not want to publish your phone number, you can leave it blank.

Click Save.


You can set the email to be sent when a reservation is made.

If it's a paid version
How to send email
・WP Mail
You can also choose from
・Display the prepared page after reservation
・Display a prepared page when a reservation fails
It is possible.
①Email service
For the free version, choose PHP Mail

② Sender name
Enter the sender name that you want to appear when an email is sent.

③ Sender email address
Enter the email address you want to use to send the email.

④Notify customers by default
Check ON

⑤Send all notifications to the additional address
You can send emails to email addresses other than the one you set in step 3. This is the CC email function.

Click Save.

Settings-Provider Details

Set detailed settings such as business hours.

If it is a paid plan
・Setting days off
・Special day
You can set the following.


②Name (first name)
③Name (Last name)
④ Email
⑤Telephone number

Allocated Services


Check the applicable service.

Working hours


The available reservation times for the booking type will be determined by the day of the week and date you set here.

Click ① to enter the break time in ②.
You can specify available reservation times for each day of the week at once.
The default setting is
- Edit with the pencil icon
- Delete with the - icon

Click Save.


Set up your payment.

If it's a paid version
・Coupon feature
You will be able to select:
Select Japanese Yen

② Price symbol position
It will show ¥, so the front is the best

③Price separator
Separate it with commas for easier viewing

④Price decimal separator
Set it to 3 so that it becomes ¥5,000, for example.

⑤ Default payment method
For free, you can only choose on-site.
Regarding payment methods, after your reservation is confirmed you can make a prepayment by receiving an email with instructions on how to use PayPal or Stripe.

Click Save.

Settings-Google Calendar

This feature is available only in the paid version


This feature is available only in the paid version


Get an API key to use Amelia's automatic updates. We will not set this up this time.


Settings - User Permissions Settings

Employee settings, etc. are paid version features.
①Check customer's name for existing email when booking
If this is turned on, when a customer enters an email address when making a reservation, it will be matched with existing customer information.

Click Save.


This feature is available only in the paid version.

That's all for the basic settings.


Dashboard "amelia" > "Notifications"
You can set the auto-reply email and the email content sent to the administrator.

Email to customer

- Approved appointments
If the reservation setting is set to approval in the settings, this is the email that will be sent when the reservation is changed to approval.

- Pending appointments
If the reservation is set to wait for approval, this email will be sent at the same time as the reservation.

・Event Booked
Event booking email

Email body example
%customer_full_name%, Dear

<<Confirm your reservation details>>

Thank you for your reservation.
A representative will contact you again.

The string %●●●% will be linked to the event name, etc. If there is no corresponding item, it will be sent blank, so it is fine to leave it at the default setting and simply change it to Japanese.

I haven't yet fully understood SMS notifications, so I won't go into that here.


Dashboard "amelia" > "Customers"
If you are not registered as a user, you will not be able to make a reservation manually, so you will need to use this before making a reservation manually or when adding information about customers who have already made a reservation.

To add a new
Add a customer or click the + icon in the bottom right.

① Name (Name)
②Name (Last name)

Up to is a required field.

④ Telephone number
⑥Date of birth

Click Save.

This is what it looks like when you add a user.

If you sign up for a paid plan, you will also be able to search for customers and sort in ascending order.


First, create a category.
This time, I would like to add face-to-face lessons.

Click Add Category.


Enter the category name and click the check button.


Pencil icon: Edit
Note icon: Duplicate
Trash icon: Delete (categories with reservations cannot be deleted)


Then click Add Service.

Service Details

If it's a paid version
You can specify a time interval before and after the reservation.
You can also set minimum and maximum numbers of people required for reservations.
・Additional options
You can set the
①Select an image
② Name
Enter the name of the service
Select the category you want to categorize it into.
④ Period
Set the lesson duration
Set the price
Enter a description

Click Save.


In this way, you can add categories and services.


Add an event.
Click New Event.

If it is a paid version,
・Staff selection
- Customize colors etc.
It will be possible.
Enter your name

Add a date

③Add Data
This is used when holding one event for two days.

④Booking opens immediately
Specify the date and time when you want to start the reservation.
If you do not specify any particular date, check the box to make the reservation available immediately.

⑤Bookin closes When event starts
Enter the date and time to specify the reservation deadline.
Check this box if you want the reservation deadline to be the start of the event.

Enter your price

⑦Maximum allowed spots
Set the number of items that can be purchased at one time. Usually the default setting of 1 is fine.

Enter a description.

If it's free, you can't choose anything else.


Click Save.

The event schedule will be added as follows:


Displays a list of reservations. You can also add reservations manually.
Click Add new reservation or the + icon at the bottom of the screen.
In this case, you will not be able to add a new reservation unless you have registered as a customer, so if you are a first-time customer, you will need to register as a user first.

Select a customer

②Service Category
Select a service category

Select a Service

Select the date you want to book

Select a time

If you have any comments, enter them here.

Click Save.


A list of appointments will be displayed.
By status
Waiting for approval
Cancel already
You can select:



You can display a list.

How to insert the reservation system plugin "amelia" on the posting screen

It's very easy to display the reservation system!

"Static Pages" > "Add New"
It can also be a post page.


For the Block Editor


In the Block Editor,
Click the + icon
Ameria is included.

For Classic Dita


The icon has been added.

How to make reservations using the reservation system plugin "amelia"

the firstMovieWe will explain the following:

Service type


①Select a service
The services shown here areserviceYou can select the service you have set up.


②Select a date.
The dates you can select areproviderYou can select the days of the week and business hours you set.


③Enter your name, email address, and phone number to make a reservation.
Email address and phone number are required fieldsBasic Installationand configure it.


④The reservation will be completed and an automatic reply email will be sent to the customer and to the administrator.
Email text settingsnotificationThis will be done.
To set the default booking status to "Pending approval/Approved"basic configurationThis will be done.

Event type


①Select an event.


②Enter your name, email address, and phone number.
Email address and phone number are required fieldsBasic Installationand configure it.


③The reservation will be completed and an automatic reply email will be sent to the customer and to the administrator.
Email text settingsnotificationThis will be done.

A video explaining how to set up Amelia!

We will be releasing YouTube video tutorials on how to set up the paid plan. We think these will also be helpful for those who are using the free plan, so please take a look.


I like the design of the reservation screen. If you sign up for a paid plan, you can customize it to your favorite color, but I also like the default blue.
Other recommended features are the smooth transitions between screens and the minimal amount of information that customers need to

Above all,Another recommended feature is the ease of use of the management!
It is available in Japanese and each item is easy to set up, so once you get used to it, I don't think it will be difficult to manage.

To switch to a paid plan

There is a $59 plan that can be used for one domain, a plan that can be used for up to three domains for $109 per year, and a plan that allows unlimited domains for $249 per year.

Recently, I acquired a lifetime plan, a one-time purchase type unlimited domain license. I also provide services for setting up the Amelia reservation system and courses on setting up the Amelia reservation system.

Try it for free first!

This article introduces the specifications as of September 2019.

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