
How to cancel the Sakura rental server free 2 week trial [4/4]

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How to cancel Sakura Rental Server within the 2-week free trial period

First TimeSakura Rental Server 2-week free trial period How to apply

Second TimeSakura Rental Server trial period: 2 weeks free WordPress installation

Third TimeSakura Rental Server Trial 2 Weeks Free Display your site with the default domain

We actually applied for the Sakura rental server two-week free trial period, installed WordPress, and resolved the error message on the initial domain. This is the final episode.

さくらレンタルサーバーお試し期間2流感無料で解約をする方法I tried using Sakura Rental Server, but I want to use a different server after all.

さくらレンタルサーバーお試し期間2流感無料で解約をする方法A homepage is difficult and impossible right now

さくらレンタルサーバーお試し期間2流感無料で解約をする方法I just applied to try it out

We will explain how to cancel within the trial period.

This procedure guide email

You will receive an email 10 days after your application.
You will automatically be transferred to this contract. Please be sure to complete the service cancellation procedure.

Log in to the admin page

Log in to the management screen. Log in to the member site from the Sakura Rental Server top page.
Access the Sakura Rental Server homepage and click [Member Login] in the upper right corner to access the login screen.

Login Information

Please note that your login ID is different from the login information for your control panel. Enter the [Member ID] and the password you set, which are listed in the first email you received when you applied for Sakura Rental Server.

Management screen operations

This is the member screen. Click on [Check server, SSL, and other services].


Click [Cancel] for the service in question.

Confirm the cancellation

Click [Decide].

Cancellation completed

The service has been cancelled.

Cancellation completion email

You will receive an email notifying you that your application has been canceled.

What? I canceled my service, but my membership information remains...

When I looked into it
It seems that the photos will remain unless you notify them of the deletion by email.

Leave the reskilling of your website to us!

Since 2019, we have been sharing skills related to WordPress and websites. We have accumulated case studies and know-how, and are good at quickly and accurately solving problems. If you have any concerns about your website, please feel free to contact us via our official LINE account!

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