[OceanWP Explanation] How to set custom fonts such as Japanese fonts

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This time, we will explain how to set custom fonts, such as Japanese fonts, in the WordPress theme OceanWP.

How to add custom fonts to OceanWP

Setting up custom fonts in OceanWP is a setup for intermediate to advanced users.

  1. Create a child theme
  2. Download the web font file
  3. Add the fonts file to your child theme and upload the downloaded file.
  4. Add the code to the child theme's style.css
  5. Add the code to function.php in your child theme
  6. Confirm that the custom font you added can be selected in Appearance → Customize → Typography.

The process is as follows.

Now, let's explain the settings!

OceanWP child theme settings

OceanWP is a theme made overseas, so it does not include many Japanese fonts by default.

To set custom fonts in OceanWP, you must set up a child theme. If you haven't set up a child theme yet, please follow the instructions below to set up a child theme.

Find web fonts

I think the most common one is Google Fonts.

For example, Google Font "M PLUS 1" Let's say you want to use

Add fonts folder to OceanWP child theme hierarchy

Add the [fonts] folder to the OceanWP child theme hierarchy.

The child theme file hierarchy is


It will be.

Download the web font file

Return to the screen where you searched for the font you want to use on Google Fonts.

Select a font weight

Click on the text "Select this style" and select the thickness you need.

Check the code

Click the icon in the upper left corner of the screen and click the [Download all] button to download the font file.

Downloaded web font files

If you check the downloaded font file, it will look like this.


Here is the font file.

Upload to the fonts folder in the OceanWP child theme hierarchy

Upload the MPLUS1-variableFont_wght.ttf file into the fonts folder.

Go to style.css in your OceanWP child theme

Add code to sytyle.css so that the fonts can be used in OceanWP.

style.css is in the child theme.

The attached image is the screen that appears when connecting from FTP or the server's file manager.

If you want to add it from the WordPress dashboard:

It is [style.css] located in [Appearance] > [Theme Editor].

At this time, please make sure that you are editing a child theme file before proceeding.

Add the code to style.css

Add the @import code that you checked earlier with Google Fonts to style.css.

@font-face { font-family: 'M PLUS 1'; src: url('fonts/MPLUS1-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('ttf'); }

The part of the code you need to change is this

  • font-family - This is the font name you choose on OceanWP. Any string
  • The url will be fonts/●●●, where ●●● is the name of the uploaded font file.
  • format - In this case, it was a ttf file, so I typed in ttf.

I added it to style.css like this.

Add to function.php

Next, add the code to function.php of your OceanWP child theme and set it up so that the font can be selected in [Appearance] > [Customize] > [Typography].

If you want to make edits from the WordPress dashboard, open the function.php file, which is next to style.css.

The code to enter is

function ocean_add_custom_fonts() { return array( 'M PLUS 1' );

I added it at the very end.

Check if it was added to customization

Finally, let's check that the configuration is OK.

In the WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize > Typography

Go to. Either one will do, but try selecting [Body text], and if the font family you added appears in the font family selection area, then it's OK!

My impressions after setting a custom font

Setting up custom fonts in OceanWP can be quite a hassle.

However, once you set it up, it's easy to use and reflects the changes.

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