Summary of how to analyze WordPress site access

Creating a WordPress site is not the end of the story.

After creating the homepage,The most important thing is to measure the results, make repeated improvements, and grow!

We have compiled a guide on how to use analysis tools to help you attract customers from the web.

why,Did you choose to create your website using WordPress?

Isn't it because they can fix it themselves? In other words, they want to repeatedly improve their website, convey the correct information through the website, and maximize the response from customers. Rather than simply fixing the website as they want,Make hypotheses based on actual data and revise your websiteI think you'll find that it's more effective.

I hope this blog post will give you some ideas on how to improve your site.

Access analysis tools

This explains how to set up the access analysis tool for the WordPress site that we have implemented.

Normally, you need to embed code in the head tag or body tag to link your site to an access analysis tool, but what I'm introducing here isNo Code How to integrate access analysis!

If you gave up because you didn't know how to embed the code on your site, please give it another try!

  • What is Search Console? Keyword analysis in search engines. It is also known as "Sachiko". Measure customers before they visit your site.
  • What is Google Analytics? Site access analysis. Measuring customers after they visit the site.
  • What is Google Tag Manager? Centralized tag management.
  • What is a heat map? A heat map visualizes the path customers take when visiting a site.
  • How to connect your site to Search Console & Google Analytics- Easy, no-code method using the WordPress plugin Site Kit by Google
  • Integrating Google Tag Manager with your site- How to connect without cables using Site Kit by Google

I am often asked, "What is the difference between Search Console and Analytics?"Situation in search enginesThe tool that can help you find out is the Search Console.Analysis of customers who visited the siteAnalytics can be used to find out!

It's easier to understand if you compare it to a department store.

- A tool that can analyze the invisible situation of customers, such as what they searched for on search engines before coming to the department storeSearch Console.

・Analyzing the behavior of people who visit department storesAnalyticsYou can also find out how long a person stayed on each floor, which floor they went to next, their gender, age, whether they are a repeat visitor, and other information.

Official Google WordPress Plugin[Site Kit by Google]This allows you to connect your WordPress site to an access analysis tool without embedding any code on your site!

Regarding Google Analytics, Universal Analytics will no longer be able to process data on July 1, 2023, so Google has officially announced that it will switch to the new Analytics 4 property (commonly known as GA4). If you use Site Kit by Google, as of September 2022,Create two accounts: Universal Analytics and Analytics 4 Properties.You can do it!

(Video explanation included) How to use Site Kit by Google

Search Console

This tool allows you to check the keywords, rankings, number of impressions, and number of clicks displayed by search engines for each page.

  • Sitemap submission in Search Console - Integrate a sitemap for search engines that is automatically generated by WordPress
  • Why was the page not indexed?

Google Analytics

We explain the recommended settings and how to interpret the data for Google Analytics, which allows you to measure the actions of people who visit your site!

  • GA4: What you need to do! Initial Settings - Here is a summary of what you need to do after setting up your GA4 account.
  • Admin exclusion in GA4- How to exclude administrators from analysis
  • Integrate GA4 with Search Console- Link GA4 with Search Console to analyze search keywords in Analytics
  • About the GA4 Discovery Report- Customized data can be measured
  • GA4 Pathfinding- Visualize the path taken to reach the goal site
  • How to check which pages were viewed - How to check which pages were viewed by users who visited within the last 30 minutes

[Abbreviation explanation]

GA4...Google Analytics 4 property

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Google Tag Manager is often called GTM. You can manage various things with Google Tag Manager. We explain the recommended setting method.

[Abbreviation explanation]

GA4...Google Analytics 4 property

GTM - Google Tag Manager

[GA4] Explaining analysis methods according to your concerns

Where should I look in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? We'll answer your question!

  • How to increase your traffic- Explains the basic concept
  • I want to know the source of traffic - In order to increase the number of visitors to your site, you simply need to increase the number of sources of traffic, so we will introduce you to a method for analyzing which sources of traffic are most prevalent and how to increase them in the future.
  • I want to know which pages users have been looking at recently.- A recent user is a user who accessed the site within the last 30 minutes. Here is how to check if the user viewed the page.

[Abbreviation explanation]

GA4...Google Analytics 4 property

GTM - Google Tag Manager

If you want to improve your site,Are you having trouble making edits to your website the way you want?

By combining [WordPress x no-code], we are building WordPress sites that even non-programmers can modify. Why not review your site from the design stage and create a system that allows you to smoothly improve your site?

First of all, please feel free to contact us about any web-related issues you may be having!
