[How to create an e-learning/LMS site like Teachable] Explaining how to use the LifterLMS plugin!

This time, I would like to introduce the “Lifter LMS” plugin, which allows you to build an e-learning system using WordPress.

An online learning system is called a Learning Management System, commonly known as an LMS. It is a feature that allows you to build an e-learning system like Teachable with WordPress.

LifterLMS Basic Settings

LifterLMS terminology

  • membership- Difference between course and membership student registration

Content Creation

Payment Settings

Certificate of Attendance

LifterLMS Case Studies

Online School

The lessons included in the course are controlled so that students can take Lesson 2 only after completing Lesson 1, creating a system that allows students to learn in order starting from the basics.

We use quizzes to check students' understanding, providing a higher level of online learning than simply allowing students to watch what they want, when they want.

It is also possible to automatically issue a certificate of attendance, so it can also be used for certification courses.

Online Salon

We offer a variety of pricing plans, including one-time purchase, monthly subscription, and annual payments, to enhance the management of your online salon.

We can change the content available depending on the type of membership, and we operate with multiple membership types such as basic membership and expert membership.

Content control for each member

We introduced LifterLMS because we wanted to control the content that could be viewed by membership type.

We created the required number of members and controlled the content that each member could view, so that when they logged in they could only view content that was linked to their type of membership.

For in-house training

Introduced LifterLMS for in-house training. Created a membership type for each department and created a system that allows employees to view the training for their department online.
