How to create a WordPress homepage without coding! Page builder plugin Brizy explained

I have been doing web development from home for over 10 years. Recently, most of my requests are to build websites using WordPress.

until now,

  • Create your own theme and build it from scratch
  • Customization and construction based on paid themes such as TCD
  • Building with Divi

I went to the following site. It takes quite a long time to build.

I wish I could build a WordPress site faster.Just when I was thinking that, I found Brizy, who I'd like to introduce to you today.

Brizy is one of the page builder plugins such as Elementor. The difference with Elementor is the variety of design templates.

There are a wide variety of design packs with several pages already laid out, as well as design parts that can be used in each block. Just by clicking a few times, you can create the base of your design.

Building websites with AI

I searched the internet and tried WIX and Jimdo, but although they would automatically generate a website, the design I wanted wasn't what I had in mind, and there were limitations to customization.

I think it would be difficult to automate all aspects of website construction.

You don't have to use the automatic method. You can choose from a wide variety of design templates, combine your favorite parts, and customize the necessary parts.It's easy to create an original website that is unique to youI found a way to kill two birds with one stone, so I thought I'd share it with you all!

  • Experience building a website with WIX
  • Experience building a website using Peraichi
  • Others with experience building websites
  • Those who can design

This is a highly recommended page builder for , so please give it a try!

What you can do with the no-code page builder Brizy

It is a page builder that sells no-code. Since there are so many things you can do with it, the explanation would be too long, so I have summarized it in a separate article.

Explaining what you can do with the no-code builder Brizy!

The downside is that it is a plug-in made overseas, and there is almost no explanation in Japan. So, I will do my best to increase the number of explanatory articles so that everyone can use it!

Differences between the paid and free versions of Brizy

Since the free version has limited functionality, items that can be used with the free version are marked with (free).

Items that do not have (Free) are features available in the paid version.

Explaining the differences between the paid and free versions of Brizy!

Differences between no-code page builder Brizy licenses

Prices will be revised on September 18, 2021.

Until now, there were three different pricing structures that included the server, but now you can purchase licenses for just the plugins!

About Brizy recommended themes

I have tried all the themes recommended by Brizy. I have also used Brizy on pinpointed static pages of TCD, and on the free themes Cocoon and Lightning.

Brizy header/footer common (global)/basic settings

The basics of a website. You can also create your own headers and footers. You can also set them as global settings and use them as common items on each page.

Brizy Block Parts

You can build your own original website by simply selecting the parts in the order in which each block (section) is designed.

How to set up various Brizy elements

Just like the regular WordPress block editor, you can use as many elements as you like, such as text, images, and buttons, wherever you like.

Brizy Layout Pack

Brizy Templates

You can create templates to be reflected in blog posts, etc.

Brizy Popup

You can set a trigger anywhere on the screen to display a pop-up screen. Of course, since it is created with Brizy's builder, you can customize it completely to your own specifications, not just change the text of an existing design!

Brizy Other Settings

Extra edition

Brizy e-learning course now available!

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●Ask questions in real-time in the virtual study room!

●Ask as many questions as you want via chat!

●E-learning materials that you can learn as much as you want, 24 hours a day!

All included for just 2,500 yen/month!
